When you have a panic attack, it feels like you’re drowning in a turbulent and stormy sea with no helping…
Exercise is about a lot more than your aerobic capacity or the size of your muscles. Sure, it can vastly…
Diet culture has become so entrenched in the world that sometimes it can be hard to spot it. What can…
The internet is perhaps one of the greatest inventions of all time for the simple fact that it’s given most…
Boosting your self-confidence begins with first realizing that there is absolutely nothing you have to improve on when it comes to…
Not knowing what the future holds, what we’re supposed to “do” with our lives, and just generally what to do…
Anxiety is actually a completely normal reaction to a stressful situation. Our bodies are designed to respond to things that…
Sleep is one of the most vital functions that our bodies can perform, and it’s absolutely necessary for the human…
If you think someone you love is suffering from an eating disorder you need to know what sort of signs…
You don’t only benefit from therapy if you are depressed or working through trauma, it turns out that therapy can…