Dealing With And Acknowledging Anxiety

Anxiety is actually a completely normal reaction to a stressful situation. Our bodies are designed to respond to things that worry us physically and mentally. Therefore, anxiety is incredibly common among the population.

However, it’s how we deal with the anxiety and, more importantly, how we are equipped to deal with anxiety.

Some people are better able to mentally deal with anxiety. This does not make them better than those who can’t. It simply means that they have a different set of tools at their disposal and are better at this particular thing. It’s also important to distinguish whether or not your anxiety levels are impeding your ability to get on with your day-to-day tasks.

Worry can lead to anxiety

The first point to acknowledge is how you deal with worry and stress. If you have a tendency to get very anxious and those emotions begin to take over, you need to acknowledge that. It’s only through identifying the emotions can you start to take control. Once you identify when you are feeling highly anxious, you can begin to identify your triggers.

If you know what is making you feel anxious, you can start to take control by doing one of two things. You can solve the problem that is causing you to worry and become anxious.

Alternatively, you can get your anxiety under control because you have pinpointed the cause of your stress. From this point, you can begin to solve the problem because you will have acknowledged your anxiety and the root cause, therefore, allowing you to clear your mind and focus more on things you enjoy, like the eSports betting Australia offers, exercise or any other activity.

Physical symptoms of anxiety

Part of acknowledging your anxiety is recognizing the symptoms that it causes. Unfortunately, there is no one-size-fits-all list of symptoms that will allow you to spot the stressor immediately.

You will have to remember the list and spot which symptoms you feel personally. It’s also important to note that you may experience different symptoms depending on the severity of the problem at hand and how your body is responding. If you are more rundown than normal, something small may set off a big reaction. The reverse is also true, meaning if you are feeling strong and on top of your stressors, you may be able to deal with an intense situation far better.

There are many early signs of low-level anxiety. These include being on edge for an extended period of time, or feeling restless but still tired. You may have trouble concentrating and feel like you’re forgetting something. Constantly feeling the need to make lists to ensure you don’t forget something is quite common. Feeling tense and having sore muscles, as well as irritability are all also symptoms.

Intense anxiety, which often comes in the form of a panic attack, has far sharper and more easily recognizable symptoms. These include sweaty palms, shortness of breath, nausea, trembling muscles and a cold sweat. The onset of these symptoms is usually quick. However, it can come from a long-term build up of stress and anxiety, or from a major stressor hitting all of a sudden.